Money Guides

Make money with AppRedeem!

*Internet access via one of the devices mentioned above

Where you can get it:
* Android market
* Apple App Store


How to get started:
1. Download the app from the Android Market/App Store keep in mind that the app is called App Trailers on the App Store, but the app is pretty much the same.

2. Enter the bonus code "bobforfun" for extra points.
3. Watch trailers and download apps for even more points.

4. Redeem your points to PayPal, Amazon, iTunes, or many other places.

Money potential:

The money potential, as you can see, is very good considering how little time you have to put in.
Downloading an app/watching a trailer takes less than a minute and can pay anything from $0.10 up to $1!

 Make easy money with CashCrate!

*Access to the internet

Money potential:

CashCrate has a VERY high money potential, as you can see I've only been a member since november 29th (yesterday) and have still been able to make a total of $14.06!
And not to mention atleast a $15 extra in pending cash that will be confirmed within a week!
That's a total of $30 since yesterday and I've only put in roughly 50 minutes!

 But ofcourse, it can get harder to make money with time since you will eventually run out of easy offers and have to do those that take a bit more effort.

You also recieve 1 point per offer completed which can be used to enter daily game tournaments where the top 5 players recieve up to 200 points!

These points can be used to purchase gift cards and gadgets in the prize shop.

How to setup an account:
1. Go to
2. Setup your account
3. Confirm email and all that basic stuff
4. Start completing offers and doing surveys for cash!